Advantages of lemon
Lemon – The Small Wonder
Lemon has been used from centuries in Indian Kitchen. Many of us know various uses of lemon in our day to day life. Every part (juice, pulp & peel) of this fruit have various benefits.
Location: Lemon is widely grown all over the world. Lemon grows in abundance in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mexico and West Indies.
Colour: Unripe lemons are green in colour. When they are matured, the colour is changed into yellow.
Family: Rutaceae
Scientific Name: Citrus Limonum Risso
Minerals Found: Vitamin C in large quantity but Vitamin A, potassium, niacin and thiamine are present in small amounts.
- It checks the excessive flow of bile and cleanses the mouth.
- It helps in digestion and removes constipation.
- It prevents vomiting, throat trouble, acidity and rheumatism.
- It destroys intestinal worms.
- Lemon-juice is a powerful antibacterial. It has been proved by experiments that the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases are destroyed in lemon-juice.
- Lemon is acidic but it leaves off alkaline residues in the body. This is why it is useful in all symptoms of acidosis and removes acidity.
- Lemon contains more potassium than apple or grapes, which is beneficial to the heart.
- It strengthens blood vessels & prevents internal haemorrhage.
- Lemon-juice is a diuretic. It, therefore, gives relief in kidney and bladder disorders.
- The vitamin C content of lemon helps considerably in calcium metabolism therefore lemon is also useful in maintaining health of teeth & bone.
- It is also used for kidney stones, minor fevers and bronchial congestion.
- Used to soothe poisonous stings and insect bites, eczema, chilblains, sunburn and as a gargle for sore throats.
- It has antacid, anti scorbutic, anti-neuralgic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericide, carminative, cicatrisant, depurative, diuretic, emollient, febrifuge, haemostatic, hepatic, insecticide, laxative, stomachic, tonic and vermifuge properties.
Uses of Lemon in Household acts
Get rid of unwanted visitors
Little critters enter home from edges. To avoid them to enter, spray the area with a good dose of lemon juice. Sprinkle lemon peel for added protection around doorways. Insects hate the acidic smell and will stay away.
Mop your floor with a mixture of lemon juice and water to ward off roaches and fleas, too.
Keep neighborhood cats at bay
If you’ve got a problem with stray cats stinking up your garden, try grinding up some lemon peels and tossing them on the ground. They hate citrus scents. This trick also works in the home to keep cats off counter-tops and furniture.
Make your whites shine
Soak the material in a tub of lemon juice and baking soda (a 50/50 ratio works best).Let it marinate for about half an hour before throwing it into the wash. For bad stains, give them one-on-one attention by scrubbing them with a lemon wedge before washing.
Clean your grater
Slice a lemon in half and use the fleshy side to and give a good scrub to grater and than wash after 10-15 minutes.
Avoid Rice from Sticking
Just add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the pot while the water’s boiling. Then separate it with a fork when rice get ready.
Clean Greasy Utensils
Sprinkle some salt (for abrasion) on a juiced lemon half and rub on the greasy areas, wipe up with a towel. (Be careful using lemon on marble counter tops, or any other surface which may be sensitive to acid).
Clean Tea Kettle
Fill the kettle with water, add a handful of thin slices of lemon peel and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and let sit for an hour, drain, and rinse well.
Clean Microwave
Add lemon rinds to a microwave-safe bowl filled halfway with water. Cook on high for 5 minutes, allowing the water to boil and the steam to condense on the walls and tops of the oven. Carefully remove the hot bowl and wipe away the mess with a towel.
Clean Stainless Steel Sink
Rub with a squeezed lemon half, rinse, and lightly buff with a soft cloth.
Brighten Copper Cookware
A halved lemon dipped in salt or baking powder can also be used to brighten copper cookware, as well as brass, chrome, or stainless steel.
Bacteria/virus free environment
Dry lemon slices for a day and then burn them in a vessel. This smoke will remove all bacteria, virus from home.
Use of Lemon to maintain Beauty
Lighten Age Spots
Apply a small piece of lemon peel to the affected area and leave on for an hour.
Use on your Skin
Lemon peels can be very lightly rubbed on your face for a nice skin tonic, then rinse. (And be careful around your eyes.)
Be Soft
Mix lemon juice, rose water & glycerine in equal quantity. After bath apply with this mixture all over your skin and remain soft even in winters.
Remove Blackheads
Lemon juice can also be used in getting rid of blackheads. You can use lemon by massaging it on top of the blackheads prior to sleeping at night then wash it off with cold water as soon as you wake up. You can do the treatment every night until blackheads fade away.
Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells
Lemon juice is also used to exfoliate dead skin cells. You can do this by means of cutting it into half then plunge into ½ teaspoon sugar and apply over your face for several minutes before rinsing. You can do it each night to assist in eliminating dead skin cells as well as invigorate your skin.
Use of Lemon to Remain Healthy
Mix 1 spoon lime juice and a pinch of salt in lukewarm water and drink.
Mix lime juice with 2 spoons of honey in lukewarm water and have daily in early morning on empty stomach.
Ear Pain
Dilute 1 piece of rock salt in spoon of lime juice. Put 2 drops of this solution in the paining ear for immediate relief.
Grind lime leaves with salt and haldi(turmeric powder). Apply the paste non the body and bath after an hour.
Knee pain
2 spoon lime juice, 1 spoon garlic juice and mix well and have it twice a day.
Get Relaxed
Take Lemon Slices (skin), salt and boil them in water.
Now use that hot water for bathing and it will remove all body pains, laziness, lethargy and fatigue.
Now use that hot water for bathing and it will remove all body pains, laziness, lethargy and fatigue.
- Citrus fruits have been linked with migraine and some people are allergic to them. It is implicated as triggering factor in few asthmatics.
- As lemons are highly acidic it can destroy tooth enamel.
- Always consume the fruits of lemon fresh. Cut it just before you are going to use.
- Avoid those that do not have a firm and shiny appearance.
- In winter it is recommended to reduce consumption a little lemon juice daily since low temperatures can delay the natural elimination through sweat. And in summer you can drink daily.
- One should not take concentrated lemon-juice. It should be diluted with water before taking it. Pure lemon juice contains acid which is injurious to the enamel of teeth.
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