6 Things you should do EVERY Morning to Become more Productive.
6 Things you should do EVERY Morning to Become more Productive.
Your complete day depends on how your morning goes. Start each day like a clean paper. Leave out yesterday’s crap behind and go ahead with a positive attitude. Every time when you get up put a good smile on your face and get ready for productive day.
To become successful in life you should respect time. It’s simple: if you lose money you can earn it again but if you lose time you never get it back. The real Success mantra is not working hard its working smart.
India’s Former President APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “A person who stays late at the office is not hardworking person. Instead he/she is a fool who does not know how to manage work within the stipulated time. He/ She is inefficient and incompetent in his work. ”
It all depends on how you manage your whole day’s time more efficiently & effectively. For that you need proper planning. Planning is the most important key to your success but still most people don’t do it and to plan your day, morning is the best time. If you checkout morning activities of successful people, most of them follows almost same routine.
Check out following 6 things which you should do in every morning , if you want to take success with you.
1. Start Day Early
1. Start Day Early
Best Selling author Ryan Holiday says, “If You want to be more productive, get up early”. Make it a habit. But waking up early in morning it’s all depends on your previous night.
President of the United States, Barack Obama says, “Get a head start on tomorrow, tonight.”
It’s straight forward if you want to get up early you need to sleep early.According to studies minimum 7 to maximum 9 hours of sleep is enough for young adult. A good night’s sleep is also important for your health.
Getting up early in the morning it’s like you won half the battle; and don’t just wake up; wake up with a positive mind.
Speak motivational lines to YOURSELF every morning. For eg.
- I am the best.
- I can do it.
- I am a Winner.
- Today is my day.
And make perfect start of your day.
2. Join gym or Yoga Session :
To make cheerful & fresh start of your day, exercise is must. For that you need to join a good gym and do exercise according to trainer. If you don’t want to go to gym then riding a bike, a brisk walk or some stretches every morning is always helpful; because exercising in morning has many benefits. Some exercise is always better than no exercise.
But if you don’t have time for any of that, then 10-20 minutes Yoga session everyday is not only make your body fresh it also provides you a much needed peace of mind. A clear and healthy mind is a source of creativity.
Always take out some time for exercise; because you have to take good care of your body to take care of your business.
Always take out some time for exercise; because you have to take good care of your body to take care of your business.
3. Take time for meditation:
Meditation is the simplest and most effective exercise. It doesn’t need any instruments, running shoes, nothing; just sitting up in your bed in proper position, close your eyes and just concentrate on your breath. Remove all random thoughts which come into your mind. Meditation will surely increase your concentration power. Meditation can improve your memory focus and productivity at work. It also keeps you young and beautiful.
Here what successful and amazing actress Jenifer Aniston reveals her secret ,
“I’d say a little over a year ago I started doing TM [Transcendental Meditation] and that’s really changed everything. Starting your day off with that and ending with that is pretty powerful. Twenty minutes, you just notice the difference! When I get lazy and don’t get it in, I can feel a difference in the day. So I try to meditate first thing when I wake up.”
It just needs 20 minutes.
4. Eat Healthy Breakfast:
Breakfast is the only source of your energy. It really helps you to keep going for several hours. It is seen that, people who eat morning breakfast are more productive than who skips it. To maintain a healthy mind, healthy breakfast is the only option.
You can add variation in your healthy breakfast with salad, milk, egg, protein shake; these are just small ideas for more ideas here are 30 Healthy and Tasty Recipes for Breakfast That You Can Make the Night Before.
You can add variation in your healthy breakfast with salad, milk, egg, protein shake; these are just small ideas for more ideas here are 30 Healthy and Tasty Recipes for Breakfast That You Can Make the Night Before.
5. Read Newspaper & Stay Updated:
It’s very important to stay updated in today’s world and a good newspaper is the only source of all current affairs. So make a habit of reading news paper every morning and stay informed. Reading newspaper it’s one of the most important early morning activities of successful people like Bill gates & Warren buffett. Pick your favourite newspaper and stay connected with world.
6. Create Your Daily Task list:
Last but not least; creating To-do list. It’s a most important thing which you have to do it before your start of work. Note down tasks which you are going to do in next 7-8 hours (depends on your office/ work hours). Also try to priorities your tasks, most important task means task which you are going to do first must be in the top and then rest of the tasks. You have to create a list that actually gets done. Determine your most productive section of day and plan accordingly.
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